Appearance Review Commission
The Bath Township Appearance Review Commission (ARC) consists of five regular members and two alternate members that are appointed by the Board of Trustees.  Members are required to be a resident of the Township and regular members serve a five year term and alternates serve a two year term.  The terms are staggered so that no two regular or alternate member appointments expire in the same year.

The ARC shall have the following Roles and Powers:

  • The ARC shall have the authority to review and decide on all site plan review applications.
  • The ARC shall have the authority to review and make recommendations to the Zoning Inspector on all sign permits, where applicable.
  • The ARC shall have the authority to provide advice and input on the application of the Bath Township Design Guidelines, where requested by any resident, official, board, or commission of the township.
  • The ARC shall perform all other duties as specified for architectural review board in the ORC and as specified in this zoning resolution.

ARC meets on the first Monday of each month at 5:00 pm: 2024 Meeting Calendar