Take Me Home Program and Disability form

For individuals who have trouble communicating:
Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh and Sheriff Kandy Fatheree are pleased to partner on a Summit County initiative to better support those with disabilities who may need extra help communicating in an emergency situation.

The Take Me Home program allows for the rapid identification and safe return of citizens who are unable to adequately communicate vital information - such as their name and address - to law enforcement officers. Those who are registered in this program are placed in a database that officers can access via radio and sometimes laptops in their cruisers.

The Take Me Home program is a database maintained by the Sheriff and Prosecutor’s Office and is only accessible to law enforcement personnel. The system includes a picture, disability, description, and contacts. If a person in the Take Me Home program is encountered alone by a police officer, or is reported missing, the officer can access the database by name or the person’s description to locate their enrollment record. With the information at hand, the officer can appropriately assist the person.

STEP 1: Enroll the individual in the Take Me Home system by filling out the enclosed registration form and either e-mailing a photo or having one taken by our office.
Click here for online fillable registration form.
Click here for registration form. 
Click here for brochure.

STEP 2: If a registered individual is found alone by law enforcement and needs help, police will search the Take Me Home database. If the registered person is reported missing, it is never too soon to call 9-1-1, especially if they are disabled. The first hour is critical in finding a lost child. Inform the police that the individual is registered in the Take Me Home database.

STEP 3: Caregivers will be contacted immediately to let them know the person has been found.

Visit the Take Me Home website page for more information.


A disability form has been created to assist Bath Police and Fire Department first responders with important information about those with special needs.  Residents may complete and submit the form to update resident information in our CAD system.

Click here for online fillable registration form.
Click here for registration form.