Aluminum Can Recycle Center
Aluminum Cans For Burned Children

Aluminum Cans for Burned Children (ACBC) raises money to help burn survivors and their families by funding educational and support programs, and paying for non-medical items or services that aren't covered by insurance. These include special protective clothing that helps skin heal, bicycles that help children exercise burned arms or legs, transportation to outpatient treatment for needy families, and more. To learn more, please visit

The Bath Township ACBC recycle center is now located at the Bath Fire Station of Township Center on 3864 West Bath Road.

The collection site is on the far-right of the Fire Station garage at the corner of West Bath and Cleveland-Massillon Rd.

If you would like to donate your recyclable cans, please bag them before placing in the container.

Thank you for helping us make a difference! 

ACBC Collection Pic 2     ACBC Collection Pic 1