Watersheds are delicate environments which can be damaged easily by careless development. However, use of our land is inevitable. Poorly designed land use is expensive!  It can lead to:
  • Increased risk of erosion & flooding to downstream communities as well as up-stream areas
  • Increased public health risks from poor water quality
  • Increased costs for dredging & sediment disposal in the navigation channel
  • Poor water quality impacting aquatic life

Common Issues Include:
Impervious Surfaces are inevitable. Roof tops, paved drives, roadways and parking lots cannot be avoided. How we handle the runoff becomes the problem. Large expanses of lawns are also considered impervious. The root system is so shallow that most rain water runs off instead of soaking deep into the ground. Learn how to handle this runoff.

Non-point Source Pollution happens as runoff during a storm collects pollutants such as lawn chemicals, pet waste, automotive fluids, household solvents, dirt and debris. If not filtered through treatment plants or naturally through the ground, these end up in our local streams and lakes. Polluted runoff is the nation's greatest threat to clean water as was experienced with the algae bloom in western Lake Erie.

Rain Events such as the ones we have experienced in 2011 and 2014 are becoming more common. The slide show below demonstrates the need for all watershed residents to help slow storm water by keeping as much as possible on their properties to filter through the ground not funnel off quickly.

Failing Septic Systems can cause serious pollution and health problems not to mention, great expense to the home owner. The solution can be as simple as regular maintenance.

Loss of Wooded Areas and Natural Undergrowth Development often results in conversion of wooded areas to impervious surfaces, buildings, and lawns, all of which are poor at retaining storm water. Where practical preservation or restoration of wooded areas will help control runoff.

Rain Runoff