Open Meetings Act

To ensure compliance with the Open Meetings Act, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 121.22, all Bath Township Boards and Commissions conduct meetings in an open setting for the public to attend. All meeting notices are published under the event calendar located on the Township homepage here

What are the responsibilities of a public body if the Open Meetings Act applies?

  • Provide Notice:  A public body must give notice of its meeting.  For a regular meeting, the notice must include the time and place of the meeting. For a special or emergency meeting, the notice must include the time, place and purpose of the meeting.
    • Notices of meetings and cancellations are available under the events section of the township homepage and found here.

  • Openness: The meeting must be open to the public to attend in-person. Voting by secret ballot and whispering or texting about public business is also prohibited by the “openness” requirement.
    • Unless noted as an "Executive Session," all Boards and Commissions meetings are open to the public. Meeting events include the time and location of the public body. 

  • Post Available Minutes:  A public body must promptly prepare, file and maintain meeting minutes and make them available to the public.
    • Meeting minutes are available in-person and online following a public meeting. If you seek help in locating meeting minutes, please call the Bath Township Administration Offices at 330-666-4007 or email